Freshdi.com has just launched a new Post Now feature designed to benefit both suppliers and buyers. Suppliers can easily update product information and pricing quickly. Buyers stay informed about these changes, ensuring a confident search for reliable suppliers. It's a solution that benefits buyers and suppliers, enhances trading efficiency, and fosters a more trustworthy commercial environment.

With this feature, suppliers can easily:

Update product prices directly from the Post feature

One of the standout features of Post is that it allows suppliers to update product prices directly from the post. When creating a Post, the supplier updates the price, and then the product price on the store will be automatically updated.

Verify Sourcing, Building Brand Reputation and Increase interaction with customers

With the new Post Now feature, suppliers can regularly update product information, news, business activities, images, etc. This helps to increase interaction with customers, build brand image and attract potential customers. Posts can also be attached to products, provided the content is relevant and the product has been approved beforehand.

Freshdi.com's new Post Now feature is a big step forward in providing effective tools for suppliers. It helps suppliers easily update product information, increase customer reach and save time.

Read more >>> Expand Your Business with Post Now Feature - Guidance on building brand reputation and effective posting strategies to attract maximum buyer attention and enhance their competitive position in the market.

Instructions for using the feature:

Freshdi.com's new Post feature is a big step forward in providing effective tools for suppliers. It helps suppliers easily update product information, increase customer reach and save time. Suppliers can easily create new posts and choose to post quickly in the following 2 tabs:

Option 1: Select “Post” Tab -> Select “Create Post”

  • You need to choose a product
  • Add price field and suggest price to the add product popup. Users can add more prices depending on the quantity. Note: When you update the price from the post, the price of the product on your store will be automatically updated
  • Select “Confirm” and fill in “Title” and "Description” information you want to post. Then select "Submit".

Option 2: Select “Product” Tab -> Select the “Add +” button in the “Post” column

In this tab, the system will automatically update the product in the line you selected, you just need to fill in the price, quantity,... and choose “Confirm”

With this feature, buyers can easily: 

  1. Transparency and Up-to-date Information: that allows buyers to now see the progress of information updates, especially regarding prices, product features, specifications, etc. This ensures access to the most current and accurate details, fostering trust and confidence in purchasing decisions.
  2. Instructions for view post: The post is displayed in 3 positions
  • Position 1: Product detail page
  • Position 2: Supplier page
  • Position 3: Post tag below the product: shows summary information of the post under the product tag. When clicked, it leads to the post information.

Information center for suppliers

Freshdi.com's guide provides detailed information about the agricultural and food industry. It covers various topics, from the import and export market and popular agricultural & food varieties to price trends, finding exporters and importers, and necessary considerations when exporting agricultural & food worldwide. To better understand Freshdi and how to make the most of the platform to access buyers, explore the following helpful articles:

Chapter 1 - First Step to Start Selling Agri & Food Global: Posting Product Tips to Maximum

Chapter 2 - 7 simple steps to start selling every day: Guide to help you expand your agricultural market.

Chapter 3 - Exclusive Benefits for Suppliers When Creating Online Store on Freshdi.

Chapter 4 - Contact us for a free consultation: If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay tuned to Freshdi.com for more updates and insights into the world of imports & exports, whether you’re a business looking to source high-quality agricultural & food or an individual interested in the dynamics of the global market. Freshdi.com is your go-to resource for all things related to agricultural & food suppliers, wholesalers, importers, and export companies. We will provide you with the latest information and trends in the agricultural & food industry, helping you expand your business. Thank you for reading!