Expand Your Business with Post Now Feature - The Ultimate Solution for Suppliers on Freshdi.com

The Post Now feature is a powerful tool designed to maximize benefits for suppliers. It not only helps suppliers enhance operational efficiency but also creates a solid bridge between buyers and sellers, opening up opportunities for sustainable business cooperation.

With the Post Now feature, suppliers can easily update product information, adjust prices flexibly, and proactively build and expand their business network. Furthermore, Post Now allows suppliers to verify their sourcing and build business credibility through posts, strengthening customer trust. This comprehensive solution helps suppliers improve transaction efficiency, build brand reputation, and create a more transparent and trustworthy business environment.

This article will provide suppliers with an overview of the Post Now feature and guidance on building effective posting strategies to attract maximum buyer attention and enhance their competitive position in the market.

1. Verify Sourcing - Building Trust, Enhancing Value, Transparent

Origin and Process Transparent

Let the story of your agricultural products be an inspiring journey, starting from carefully selected seeds on fertile land, through meticulous cultivation processes that harmoniously combine traditional methods and advanced technology. Every step, from nurturing and harvesting to processing and packaging, is carried out with dedication and professionalism, ensuring the highest quality and safety. By using Post Feature and sharing vivid and authentic images of the production process, international customers can verify the credibility, authenticity, dedication, and values embedded in each product.

Advanced Production Technology - Quality Assurance

Share your application of advanced technology in the production process, from selecting plant varieties, controlling soil and water quality, to using smart farming methods and modern technology. This demonstrates your professionalism and continuous improvement efforts and affirms your commitment to product quality and safety, creating absolute trust for international customers.

2. Building the "Pre-Season Contract Signing" Model - Developing the Supply and Demand Network with the Post Feature

This model, combined with the Post Now feature on Freshdi, is not just a business solution but also a connecting thread, creating sustainable business for suppliers and exporters.

Ensuring Output, Stabilizing Cultivation & Production

The Post feature integrated with this model acts as a comprehensive solution that mitigates risks for both parties in the volatile global market. Suppliers can confidently invest in cultivation and production, no longer worrying about "bumper crops leading to falling prices" or difficulties in finding buyers. It minimizes risks and ensures a stable demand for products in the global market. For exporters, a stable supply ensures they can meet the demands of international customers, maintain their reputation, and enhance their competitiveness.

Announcing Cultivation and Production Plans - Transparency and Professionalism

Utilize the Post feature to share detailed information about plans, expected output, and product quality before the season. This will demonstrate the supplier's transparency and professionalism. It will not only attract the interest of potential importers but also allow them to plan their business early, facilitating contract signing.

Inviting Buyers to Pre-Order - Seizing Opportunities

Proactively use the Post feature to publish posts inviting buyers to pre-order with clear prices and terms. This approach helps suppliers seize business opportunities while showcasing their confidence in product quality, avoiding fluctuations in the agricultural and food markets. For importers, this is an opportunity to secure a quality supply at stable prices. Pre-season contract signing also helps both parties mitigate price risks and ensure stable revenue for export activities.

3. Multi-faceted Information Sharing - Seizing Export Opportunities

The Post feature is not just about sharing information but also allows you to stay updated on the latest market developments.


  • Stay informed about agricultural and food product prices: Access real-time price updates from suppliers across different markets. This valuable information empowers you to make informed decisions regarding pricing adjustments, marketing strategies, and overall business operations, ultimately maximizing your profits.
  • Update product prices directly from the Post feature: One of the standout features of Post is that it allows suppliers to update product prices directly from the post. When creating a Post, the supplier updates the price, and then the product price on the store is automatically updated.

Import Trends

Through Posts, you receive valuable feedback and "Sourcing requests"  from buyers. This allows you to track the latest consumer trends, enabling you to adapt your products and marketing strategies to meet the needs of international customers better.

Analysis and Forecasting

Utilize the market information available through the platform to analyze and forecast potential opportunities and challenges. This proactive approach empowers you to adjust your production and business plans, optimize profits, and mitigate risks in the international market.

4. Brand Building - Establishing a Strong Presence in the International Market

Building Brand and Reputation: By sharing and interacting with the platform's Post feature, you can establish and enhance the brand and reputation of your export business in the international market.

New Markets, New Customers: Share success stories of your business. Highlight successful exports that have met various markets' standards and quality requirements, giving potential importers a clearer picture of your product quality and the company's reputation.

Recognized Awards: Use the Post feature to share the awards and certifications your products have achieved. This will help importers recognize the quality and safety of your products.

The Post feature is not just a simple communication tool, but also a powerful lever to help your agricultural and food export business achieve sustainable growth and expand further in the international market. Make the most of this feature to share, connect, and together build a thriving global supply chain!

Information center for suppliers

Freshdi.com's guide provides detailed information about the agricultural and food industry. It covers various topics, from the import and export market and popular agricultural & food varieties to price trends, finding exporters and importers, and necessary considerations when exporting agricultural & food worldwide. To better understand Freshdi and how to make the most of the platform to access buyers, explore the following helpful articles:

Chapter 1 - First Step to Start Selling Agri & Food Global: Posting Product Tips to Maximum

Chapter 2 - 7 simple steps to start selling every day: Guide to help you expand your agricultural market.

Chapter 3 - Exclusive Benefits for Suppliers When Creating Online Store on Freshdi.

Chapter 4 - Contact us for a free consultation: If you have any questions, please let us know.

Stay tuned to Freshdi.com for more updates and insights into the world of imports & exports, whether you’re a business looking to source high-quality agricultural & food or an individual interested in the dynamics of the global market. Freshdi.com is your go-to resource for all things related to agricultural & food suppliers, wholesalers, importers, and export companies. We will provide you with the latest information and trends in the agricultural & food industry, helping you expand your business. Thank you for reading!