Top Types Of Coffee Bean Exported Abroad: Vietnam Coffee Export

History of Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

The First Origin of Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

The story of Vietnamese coffee began in 1857 when French missionaries introduced the first coffee plants to Vietnam. This marked the birth of the coffee industry in Vietnam. Initially, these coffee plants were grown in the northern provinces of Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, and Ha Nam. Over time, the cultivation of coffee spread to the central provinces of Quang Tri and Quang Binh, and eventually to the southern provinces of the Central Highlands and the Southeast. This geographical expansion laid the foundation for Vietnam’s emergence as a significant player among Vietnam coffee suppliers and Vietnam coffee exporters.

The First Origin of Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types in the 20th Century

The 20th century brought about a significant transformation in the Vietnamese coffee industry. The French introduced Robusta and Excelsa beans to Vietnam, which were planted in the Central Highlands. The Robusta beans, in particular, proved to be well-suited to the natural conditions in Vietnam. They thrived in the Central Highlands and yielded a good harvest, leading to a surge in the number of Vietnam coffee wholesalers and Vietnam coffee bean suppliers. On the other hand, while Excelsa beans grew well, they had a lower economic value. Arabica beans, although less common, were not as successful due to their susceptibility to pests and unsuitability to Vietnam’s terrain.

Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types in the 20th Century

Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types Until Now

Since the economic reforms of 1986, known as Đổi Mới, the Vietnamese government has prioritized investment in the coffee sector, aiming to make coffee a key agricultural product of the country. This focus has led to a significant expansion in Vietnamese coffee bean production in terms of scale, output, and export value.

From the 1990s onwards, Vietnam’s coffee production has grown by an average of 25% annually. Robusta beans, known for their strong flavor and high caffeine content, account for 95% of this production. These beans have found favor among Vietnam coffee suppliers and Vietnam coffee wholesalers, who appreciate their resilience and yield.

According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the country has exported 1.25 million tons of Vietnamese coffee bean types, equivalent to $2.16 billion. This impressive figure has helped Vietnam maintain its position as the second-largest coffee exporter in the world. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of Vietnam coffee exporters and Vietnam coffee export companies.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in other types of coffee beans. Arabica beans, for instance, are becoming more popular with some farmers. Local innovators like Bosgaurus and La Viet are introducing Vietnamese consumers to newer varieties like Bourbon and Typica. This diversification of coffee bean types is opening up new opportunities for Vietnam coffee bean suppliers, Vietnam coffee bean wholesalers, and Vietnam coffee bean exporters.

Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types Until Now

Looking ahead, the future of the Vietnamese coffee industry appears promising. With a strong foundation in Robusta production and an increasing interest in other bean types, Vietnam coffee suppliers, Vietnam coffee wholesalers, Vietnam coffee exporters, and Vietnam coffee export companies are well-positioned to continue contributing to the global coffee industry. As the demand for Vietnamese coffee continues to grow worldwide, these key players are ready to meet this demand and continue their journey of bringing the rich flavors of Vietnamese coffee to the world.

Arabica Coffee Beans – Highest Value Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

About 0.1 million tons of Arabica coffee beans are produced in Vietnam each year, accounting for 5% of Vietnam’s total coffee production.

Arabica coffee beans, known as “Ca phe che” in Vietnam, are highly valued in the coffee trading market. They are grown in the highest mountainous areas of Vietnam, typically at an altitude of 1000-1500m, and prefer a temperature from 16-25°C with rainfall over 1000mm. These conditions result in oval berries, each containing two coffee beans.

Arabica coffee beans can be harvested after 3 to 4 years of planting. A 25-year-old coffee tree is usually considered old and is not harvested anymore, even though this Vietnamese coffee bean type can live up to 20 years more.

In terms of economic characteristics, Arabica coffee beans are the most economically valuable species of Vietnamese coffee bean types. They are valued higher than Robusta coffee beans in the coffee trading market because they have a more delicious taste and contain less caffeine content. Moreover, Arabica is susceptible to insect attacks, making it less economical to grow than Robusta coffee. However, the demand for Arabica is bigger because it is the main ingredient in typical coffee dishes such as Espresso, Cappuccino.

Arabica Coffee Beans – Highest Value Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

Therefore, the economic value of Arabica coffee is much higher than that of Robusta. A bag of Arabica coffee beans (60 kg) usually costs twice as much as a bag of Robusta coffee beans. The price of FOB Arabica coffee beans in Vietnam ranges from about $4,000 – $10,000 per ton depending on its quality. In particular, Vietnamese Arabica specialty coffee has the highest price because of its unique flavor, error-free beans, as well as the standards of cultivation, processing, and preparation that are all assessed according to SCA’s standards.

Economical characteristics of Arabica coffee

As Vietnam coffee bean suppliers and Vietnam coffee bean wholesalers, we take pride in offering these high-quality beans to our customers. Our role as Vietnam coffee exporters allows us to bring the rich flavors of Vietnamese Arabica coffee to the world.

Robusta Coffee Beans – Most Popular Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

Robusta coffee, known as “Ca phe voi” in Vietnam, is the most produced coffee in the country. With an annual production of about 1.8 million tons, Robusta coffee accounts for over 90% of Vietnam’s total coffee output. This significant production contributes to making Vietnam the second-largest coffee exporting country in the world, with Vietnam coffee suppliers, Vietnam coffee wholesalers, and Vietnam coffee exporters playing a crucial role in this achievement.

Robusta coffee trees can grow up to 10m tall and produce coffee berries that are usually circular or egg-shaped. The coffee cherries are smaller than Arabica coffee beans and contain about 2-4% caffeine, which is higher than the 1-2% found in Arabica. Robusta coffee trees can be harvested when they are 3 to 4 years old and usually produce coffee beans for about 20 to 30 years.

The ideal conditions for growing Robusta coffee beans are on tropical mountain peaks with an altitude of 600-1000m above sea level These beans prefer a temperature range of 24-29°C with a rainfall of over 1,000 mm. These conditions are consistent with the natural environment of the Central Highlands, making this region the largest production land for Vietnam Robusta green coffee beans.

Robusta Coffee Beans – Most Popular Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

In terms of economic characteristics, Robusta coffee beans are not as appreciated as Arabica coffee beans due to their high caffeine content. However, they are more affordable, with the price of Vietnamese Robusta coffee beans usually being only half of that of Arabica coffee beans, about $3,000 – 4,000 per ton. Despite this, Robusta beans are still a popular choice among Vietnam coffee bean suppliers, Vietnam coffee bean wholesalers, and Vietnam coffee bean exporters due to their strong, bold flavor and high yield.

Economical characteristics of Robusta coffee

Excelsa Coffee Beans – The Rarest Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

Excelsa coffee beans, also known as “Ca phe mit” in Vietnam, are the rarest among the main Vietnamese coffee bean types. These beans have the lowest productivity, so they often go unnoticed by many. However, for coffee farmers, Excelsa coffee trees serve as strong “protective shields” for coffee plantations.

Excelsa Coffee Beans – The Rarest Among Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types

The Excelsa coffee tree has a large trunk and wide leaves, resembling a jackfruit tree from afar. It is classified as a sub-species of Liberica due to many similarities.

Excelsa coffee beans thrive at an altitude of 1000-1300m above sea level, with a suitable temperature range of 16 to 29°C, and a required rainfall of 1000-1500mm. The trees can reach a maximum height of 20m and are drought tolerant, requiring little water. Due to their poor productivity and strong sour taste, they are not as popular and extensively planted as other coffee species. In the Central Highlands, this Vietnamese coffee bean type is harvested later than other coffee species because it needs rainwater to bloom. Thanks to its good growth and tolerance to harsh conditions, Excelsa coffee bean trees are often planted in rows with a distance of 5-7m per tree as a windbreak forest belt for Robusta crops.

In terms of economic characteristics, Excelsa coffee beans have the lowest value among the three Vietnamese coffee bean types and account for only a very small part of world coffee production. Despite their high caffeine content and poor taste, Excelsa coffee beans are often mixed with Arabica and Robusta when roasting to diversify the flavor. As Vietnam coffee bean suppliers and Vietnam coffee bean wholesalers, we recognize the unique role of Excelsa beans in the coffee industry and strive to bring their distinctive flavor to the world through our role as Vietnam coffee bean exporters.

Which Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types Should You Choose?

Choosing the right Vietnamese coffee bean type depends on your personal taste and how you prefer your coffee – hot or cold, sweet or bitter.

If you prefer a warm, sweet, and well-balanced coffee, then products made from Arabica beans, offered by many Vietnam coffee bean suppliers, would be an ideal choice. Arabica beans are known for their smooth and slightly sweet flavor, making them perfect for drinks like Cappuccino.

On the other hand, if you’re a fan of iced coffee with a cool, refreshing, and bold taste, then you should consider Robusta. Robusta beans, which are widely available from Vietnam coffee wholesalers and Vietnam coffee exporters, are the soul of the famous traditional Vietnamese iced coffee. They are known for their strong, earthy flavor and higher caffeine content.

Lastly, if you’re looking to try something unique and rare, Excelsa beans might be the right choice for you. Though they are the rarest among Vietnamese coffee bean types, Excelsa beans are valued for their distinctive flavor. They are often mixed with Arabica and Robusta when roasting to diversify the flavor.

Which Vietnamese Coffee Bean Types Should You Choose?'s Guide to Coffee Exportation's guide provides you with all the detailed information about the Vietnamese coffee industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular coffee varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting coffee from Vietnam. This guide helps you understand the Vietnamese coffee market, helping you succeed in trading with coffee suppliers in Vietnam.

Chapter 1: Comprehensive Overview of Vietnam’s Coffee Market Embark on a journey through Vietnam’s coffee export market, understanding its position, target markets, coffee types, cultivation areas, and more.

Chapter 2: Certified Vietnam Coffee Exporters List accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade - October 2023 Explore the list of coffee exporting enterprises that met the export conditions in 2022, as announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Chapter 3: Vietnam’s Top 10 Coffee Exporters (9 months 2022) Discover the top 10 coffee exporters in Vietnam, updated as of September 2022, and learn about their contributions to the global coffee industry.

Chapter 4: Top Vietnamese Coffee Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide 2023 Uncover the leading Vietnamese coffee suppliers in our comprehensive guide, from sourcing to understanding the supply chain.

Chapter 5: How to Import Coffee from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process Learn how to import coffee from Vietnam, covering market conditions, coffee types, and the import process.

Chapter 6: How to Find Coffee Bean Suppliers in Vietnam Follow our step-by-step guide on how to find and connect with reliable coffee exporters in Vietnam for successful trade.

Chapter 7: Complete Guide to Customs Procedures for Importing and Exporting Vietnamese Coffee Navigate through the customs procedures for importing and exporting Vietnamese coffee, understanding the conditions, necessary documents, and more.

Chapter 8: Comprehensive Guide to Procedures and Taxes for Coffee Export from Vietnam Explore Vietnam’s coffee export procedures, taxes, and compare with other top coffee-exporting countries.

Chapter 9: Vietnam Rice Export: Top Types Of Coffee Exported Abroad Explore the various coffee bean types exported from Vietnam and learn how to choose the right one for your needs.

Chapter 10: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Coffee Exports Get a glimpse of the future with a forecast for Vietnam’s coffee exports in 2024, including coffee prices and the potential impact on the global coffee market.

This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of the Vietnamese coffee market, from suppliers to exporters, and from import processes to future forecasts. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Vietnamese coffee industry.

In conclusion, drinking coffee is all about finding what suits you. So, don’t hesitate to try different things and enjoy your discovery. Whether you’re looking for Arabica, Robusta, or Excelsa beans, Vietnam coffee suppliers, Vietnam coffee wholesalers, Vietnam coffee exporters, and Vietnam coffee export companies are ready to meet your needs. Happy coffee hunting!
