Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Rice from Vietnam

Vietnam, recognized as one of the world’s leading exporters of rice, boasts a rich history and expertise in rice cultivation and export. This Southeast Asian country, with its favorable climate and fertile lands, has been producing high-quality rice that is exported globally.

Importing rice from Vietnam can present a lucrative business opportunity. However, it requires a thorough understanding of the import customs procedures. This guide aims to provide you with the most recent and relevant information, updated for 2023, to help you navigate the process efficiently.

Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Rice from Vietnam

Benefits of Importing Rice from Vietnam

Importing rice from Vietnam offers a multitude of benefits that make it an attractive venture for businesses worldwide. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Quality and Variety: Vietnam is renowned for its high-quality rice and offers a wide range of varieties. From the fragrant Jasmine rice to the nutritious brown rice, the country’s diverse offerings cater to different consumer preferences.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Due to efficient farming practices and lower production costs, Vietnamese rice is competitively priced in the international market. This allows importers to offer quality rice at attractive prices to their customers.
  3. Reliable Supply: With its favorable climate and fertile lands, Vietnam ensures a consistent supply of rice throughout the year. This reliability makes it a preferred choice for importers seeking a steady supply chain.
  4. Ease of Import: Over the years, Vietnam has streamlined its customs procedures, making the import process more straightforward. The country’s commitment to enhancing trade relations has led to more transparent and efficient customs procedures.
  5. Growing Demand: The global demand for Vietnamese rice has been on the rise, thanks to its quality and affordability. Importing Vietnamese rice can help businesses tap into this growing market demand.

Conditions for Importing Rice from Vietnam

Importing rice from Vietnam involves several conditions to ensure the safety and quality of the product. Here are the key requirements:

  • Announcement of Regulation Conformity: Before importing, the importer must register an announcement of regulation conformity at a competent state agency. This is a declaration that the imported rice complies with all relevant regulations.
  • Notice of Results Certifying that Food Meets Import Requirements: For each shipment, the inspection agency must issue a “Notice of results certifying that food meets import requirements”. This notice confirms that the imported rice has been inspected and meets all the necessary food safety requirements.
  • Certificate of Free Sale or Health Certificate: Imported rice must have a certificate of free sale or a health certificate. These certificates attest that the rice is safe for consumption and sale.
  • Adherence to International Agreements or Treaties: In case Vietnam has no corresponding technical regulations, international agreements or treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party shall apply. This ensures that the imported rice meets internationally recognized standards and regulations.
  • Compliance with Technical Regulations: The imported rice must satisfy corresponding technical regulations and comply with regulations on limits of pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, pollutant agents, and more. These regulations are in place to protect consumers and maintain the high quality of Vietnamese rice.
Conditions for Importing Rice from Vietnam

>> Read more: How to Import Rice from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process

Self-Publishing Rice Products from Vietnam

The process of self-publishing rice products from Vietnam is initiated before the goods arrive. It involves the following steps:

  1. Sample Submission: The first step is to submit a product sample, which includes both the rice and packaging. This sample is used for the product self-declaration.
  2. Testing: The rice samples are then sent to licensed units for testing. This ensures that the rice meets all necessary standards and regulations.
  3. Submission of Self-declaration Dossier: After receiving the test results, a self-declaration dossier is submitted to the competent authority. This dossier includes:
  • Food self-declaration (according to form)
  • Product test result sheet according to QCVN (From Vietnam)
  • Certificate of business registration
  • Rice samples; product label samples; product pictures
  • Foreign or domestic notarized copy of one of the following certificates (if any): GMP certificate; HACCP or equivalent certificate;
  • Certificate of Free Sale or Health Certificate issued by a competent state agency of the country of origin contains content certifying that the product is suitable for age or the subject of use;
  • Copy of commercial contract;

Product Announcement Process

The process of announcing rice products is as follows:

  • Step 1: Enterprises prepare full product announcement documents according to the law provisions and submit them to the Department of receiving and returning results – Food Safety Management Board.
  • Step 2: The department receives and returns the results – the Food Safety Management Board receives the documents. If the dossier is complete and valid as prescribed, the application receipt will be received and printed. If the dossier is incomplete or not valid, the organization or individual is guided to supplement and complete the dossier.
  • Step 3: Within 07 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of the complete application for registration of the product announcement, The Food Safety Management Board is responsible for verifying the records and posting them on the website.
  • Step 4: Enterprises log in to the website and check their publication records.

Applying for a Rice Import License from Vietnam

To apply for a rice import license from Vietnam, the following documents need to be filled out, scanned, and submitted:

  • Business Registration License: This should specify the business of importing and trading rice.
  • Certificate of Free Sale: This attests that the rice is safe for sale.
  • Notarized Copy of CA: This is a notarized copy of the Certificate of Analysis.
  • Product Standard Announcement: This announces the standards the rice adheres to.
  • Label: This includes important product information.
  • Application for Import License: This is the actual application for the import license.
  • Animal Quarantine Declaration: This needs to be declared on one-stop and submitted for moderation.

Plant Quarantine of Imported Rice from Vietnam

The plant quarantine process for imported rice from Vietnam involves the following steps:

  • Registration: Submit a dossier for registration of imported plant quarantine, which includes a plant quarantine registration certificate and a photocopy or original copy of the Certificate of plant quarantine issued by the competent plant quarantine agency of the exporting country.
  • Dossier Check: The plant quarantine agency will immediately receive and check the dossier’s validity. If the dossier is invalid, the owner will be requested to supplement and complete the dossier.
  • Inspection Notification: Once the goods have been fully gathered at the port, the consignment owner’s border gate will notify the time and place for the quarantine specialist to inspect the shipment directly.
  • Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance: The plant quarantine agency will issue a phytosanitary certificate for import, transit, and inland transportation within 24 hours from the start of quarantine for the batch of objects that are not infected with the phytosanitary objects or Vietnamese-controlled objects or strange, harmful organisms.

Customs Procedures for Importing & Exporting Rice from Vietnam

Once the necessary steps are completed, you will have a complete set of customs documents for importing and exporting rice from Vietnam. These include:

  • Phytosanitary Certificate: This certifies that the rice is free from harmful organisms.
  • Food Safety Inspection Certificate: This confirms that the rice meets food safety standards.
  • Customs Declaration: This is a document that lists and gives details of the goods that are being imported or exported.
  • Sale Contract: This is an agreement between the buyer and seller detailing the terms of sale.
  • Commercial Invoice: This is required in case the buyer must pay the seller. In some instances, the customs declarant is not required to submit a commercial invoice.
  • Packing Slips: These provide details about the contents of a package.
  • Bill of Lading or Other Transport Documents: These serve as a contract of carriage and receipt for goods.
  • Certificate of Origin Form AANZ, VJ, VK, AK,… (if any): This certifies the country in which the rice was produced.

>> Read more: The Impact of EVFTA on Rice Export from Vietnam's Guide to Rice Exportation's guide provides you with all the detailed information about the Vietnamese rice industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular rice varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting rice from Vietnam. This guide helps you understand the Vietnamese rice market, helping you succeed in trading with rice suppliers in Vietnam.

Chapter 1: Comprehensive Overview of Vietnam’s Rice Market Dive into the heart of Vietnam’s rice industry, exploring the vibrant import market, diverse rice varieties, competitive pricing, and key considerations for exporting rice from this Southeast Asian powerhouse.

Chapter 2: Certified Vietnam Rice Exporters List accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade - October 2023 Stay updated with the latest list and criteria of rice export-qualified enterprises recognized by Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Chapter 3: Vietnam’s Top 10 Rice Exporters (January 2022) Uncover the dynamics of Vietnam’s rice industry, highlighting the top exporters and key market trends in January 2022.

Chapter 4: Top Vietnamese Rice Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide 2023 Navigate through the top Vietnamese rice suppliers, their diverse product offerings, strategic locations, and tips for successful cooperation.

Chapter 5: How to Import Rice from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process Demystify the process of importing rice from Vietnam with insights into types, prices, suppliers, and more.

Chapter 6: How to Find Rice Suppliers in Vietnam Learn how to search and select reliable rice suppliers, along with essential tips when working with Vietnamese suppliers.

Chapter 7: Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Rice from Vietnam Master the import customs procedures for rice from Vietnam, including the necessary steps and key requirements for a smooth import process.

Chapter 8: Understanding Rice Export Taxation from Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide Get a grasp on rice export taxation in Vietnam, including HS codes, export duties, and the impact of the EVFTA agreement.

Chapter 9: Top Types Of Rice Exported Abroad: Vietnam Rice Export Discover Vietnam’s fragrant rice varieties, their unique characteristics, and their global distribution.

Chapter 10: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Rice Exports Gain an insightful look into Vietnam’s rice industry, its export forecast for 2024, and the underlying market dynamics.


In conclusion, importing rice from Vietnam can be a profitable venture given the country’s reputation for high-quality rice and streamlined customs procedures. However, it requires a thorough understanding of the import process, including obtaining necessary licenses, adhering to quality and safety standards, and complying with customs procedures and tax regulations. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of these aspects, updated for 2023, to help potential importers navigate the process efficiently. By staying informed and prepared, businesses can tap into the growing global demand for Vietnamese rice and achieve success in their import endeavors. Remember, the key to a successful import business lies in understanding the procedures and regulations thoroughly. Good luck!