Top Vietnamese Tea Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide Export 2023

Introduction to the Vietnamese Tea Industry

The Vietnamese tea industry is a significant sector that has been contributing to the socio-economic development of Vietnam. This industry, which involves Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters, has created a myriad of jobs for local people, alleviated poverty, and provided stable incomes for millions of growers across the country.

Introduction to the Vietnamese Tea Industry

Overview of the Vietnamese Tea Industry

The value chain of the Vietnamese tea industry operates with the cooperation of three main activities: producing raw fresh tea, processing tea, and trading tea products. The development of the tea industry is affected by several important factors, including tea growers, traders or collectors, processors, distributors, and exporters.

Data from the Vietnam Tea Association showed that there are around 400,000 tea growers and more than 600 industrial-scale tea processing enterprises operating in the industry. These Vietnam tea suppliers and Vietnam tea export companies employ up to 2 million people in the segment of tea production, processing, trading to service.

Overview of the Vietnamese Tea Industry

>> Read more: How to Import Tea from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process

In the trading sector alone, there are currently 370 organizations, enterprises, and individuals operating in tea export activities. These Vietnam tea exporters have helped Vietnam rank 5th in the world in tea exports.

Tea products in Vietnam’s market can be classified by processing methods into several major types including black tea, green tea, oolong tea, scented tea, and new tea products. By 2020, Vietnam has 34 tea-growing provinces nationwide, with a number of areas identifying tea as the main industrial crop.

In recent years, the tea industry has made great strides in tea growing, processing, and trading. The total area for tea production in the past 5 years has remained at around 130,000 ha. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Vietnam’s tea growing area ranked 5th in the world in 2018, after China, India, Kenya, and Sri Lanka.

Products from Vietnam Tea Suppliers

Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters offer a diverse range of tea products that cater to different tastes and preferences worldwide. These products are not only popular domestically but have also made a significant mark in the international market.

Types of Tea Supplied

Vietnamese tea suppliers provide a wide variety of teas, each with its unique taste and aroma. Here are some of the types of tea supplied by Vietnam tea suppliers:

  • Green Tea : Vietnamese green tea is mainly made by the pan-fried technique. It has a signature strong taste with a light bitter but sweet taste at the end of the tongue after a tea sip.
  • Black Tea : More than 60% of Vietnam’s annual tea output is black tea. Vietnamese black tea has a bold color and a very distinctive taste.
  • Oolong Tea : Oolong tea is another popular type of tea provided by Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Scented Tea: This includes Lotus tea, Jasmine Tea, and others. These teas are often supplied by Vietnam tea wholesalers and Vietnam tea exporters.

>> Read more: Top Types Of Tea Exported Abroad Vietnam Tea Export

Production Process and Quality

The production process of tea in Vietnam involves several steps, including plucking, withering, rolling, fermenting, drying, and grading. The quality of tea depends on various factors such as the type of tea plant, the climate of the tea-growing region, and the time of plucking.

Vietnam has been making significant efforts to improve the quality of its tea products. For instance, the Sustainable Tea Production Landscapes project, a partnership between UN Environment, the Rainforest Alliance, and partners in Vietnam, has been educating smallholder farmers and large estate tea growers on the dangers of land degradation and training them in sustainable farming and land management techniques.

The project has resulted in an impressive adoption of sustainable farming techniques and a 30 percent increase in average income in only two years. Such initiatives ensure that the tea products supplied by Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters are of high quality and produced sustainably.

Top Vietnam Tea Suppliers

Vietnam, being one of the largest tea-producing countries in the world, is home to numerous tea suppliers. These Vietnam tea suppliers not only cater to the domestic market but also have a significant presence in the international market. Here are some of the top tea suppliers in Vietnam:

Asia Tea Company Limited

Established in 2004, Asia Tea Company Limited has grown dramatically to become the biggest tea producer and exporter of Vietnam. They purchase raw fresh tea leaves from 1,200 RA certified tea gardens with an area of about 20,000 hectares in Phu Tho province. They are known for their high-quality green tea and black tea.

Phu Tho New Generation One Member Co., Ltd

Also known as Future Generation Phu Tho Company Limited, this company is one of the leading tea manufacturers and exporters in Vietnam. They are located in Phu Tho province, a region known for tea production.

Hoang Minh Tea Company Limited

Hoang Minh Tea Company Limited is a reputable tea company in Vietnam, known for its good service and quality tea. They produce a variety of teas, including green tea, black tea, and scented tea.

Future Generation Phu Tho Company Limited

Founded in 1996, Future Generation Phu Tho Company Limited, also known as FGC, is the leading tea manufacturer and exporter in Vietnam. They have over 60 tea farms in Vietnam and offer a diverse selection of teas.

SSOE Phu Tho Tea Company Limited

SSOE Phu Tho Tea Company Limited is another significant player in the Vietnamese tea industry. They are known for their high-quality tea products.

These Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters play a crucial role in the global tea market, contributing to Vietnam’s reputation as a leading tea exporter.

>> Read more: Vietnam’s Top 10 Tea Exporters (Q1 2022)

Collaborating with Vietnam Tea Suppliers

Collaborating with Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters can provide numerous benefits for businesses looking to source high-quality tea products. Here’s why and how you should consider collaborating with them:

Benefits of Collaborating with Vietnam Tea Suppliers

  1. Quality and Variety: Vietnam is known for its high-quality tea products and offers a wide variety of teas. Collaborating with Vietnam tea suppliers allows businesses to access these quality products.
  2. Sustainable Practices: Many Vietnamese tea suppliers are adopting sustainable farming techniques, which not only improve the quality of the tea but also contribute to environmental conservation.
  3. Economic Benefits: The tea industry in Vietnam plays a vital role in income improvement and poverty alleviation in rural areas. By collaborating with Vietnam tea suppliers, businesses can contribute to the local economy and create a positive social impact.

>> Read more: Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Tea from Vietnam

How to Approach and Collaborate with Vietnam Tea Suppliers

  1. Research: Start by researching potential Vietnam tea suppliers and Vietnam tea wholesalers. Look for those that align with your business needs and values.
  2. Contact: Reach out to the suppliers directly. Most suppliers have contact information listed on their websites.
  3. Negotiate: Discuss your needs and negotiate terms. Ensure that both parties are clear on the expectations and responsibilities.
  4. Build Relationships: Building strong relationships with Vietnam tea suppliers can lead to long-term benefits. Regular communication and mutual respect are key to a successful collaboration.


The tea industry in Vietnam plays a significant role in the socio-economic development of the country. It provides stable incomes for millions of growers across the country and has been instrumental in alleviating poverty The Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters have contributed to this growth and have helped Vietnam become one of the largest tea producers in the world.

Importance of the Vietnam Tea Industry

The importance of the Vietnam tea industry cannot be overstated. It is an integral part of the country’s economy and culture. The industry has created a myriad of jobs for local people and has been a significant source of income for millions of growers across the country. Moreover, the tea industry has been contributing to the socio-economic development of Vietnam.

Importance of the Vietnam Tea Industry

>> Read more: Vietnam’s Top 10 Tea Exporters (Q1 2022)

Future Prospects

The future prospects of the Vietnam tea industry look promising. It is forecasted that the tea market will continue to grow in the long term, especially in the Chinese market. Tea prices are expected to increase in the short term due to a shortage of supply resulting from the disruption in many tea-producing countries worldwide.

Moreover, with the help of UN Environment and partners, Vietnamese tea growers have begun to turn the situation around, resulting in an impressive adoption of sustainable farming techniques and a 30 percent increase in average income in only two years. Such initiatives ensure that the tea products supplied by Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters are of high quality and produced sustainably.

>> Read more: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Tea Exports's Guide to Tea Exportation's guide provides you with all the detailed information about the Vietnamese Tea industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular tea varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting tea from Vietnam. This guide helps you understand the Vietnamese tea market, helping you succeed in trading with tea suppliers in Vietnam.

Chapter 1: Comprehensive Overview of Vietnam’s Tea Market Embark on a journey through Vietnam’s tea market, understanding its global position, top suppliers, exporters, and factors impacting prices.

Chapter 2: Certified Vietnam Tea Exporters List accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade - October 2022 Stay updated with the certified list of tea exporters in Vietnam, accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as of October 2024.

Chapter 3: Vietnam’s Top 10 Tea Exporters (Q1 2022) Discover the top 10 tea exporters in Vietnam for Q1 2022, leading the charge in the global tea market.

Chapter 4: Top Vietnamese Tea Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide 2023 Explore the top Vietnamese tea suppliers, their diverse tea offerings, and the advantages of partnering with them in the tea industry.

Chapter 5: How to Import Tea from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process Uncover the process of importing tea from Vietnam, from finding suppliers to navigating customs procedures.

Chapter 6: How to Find Tea Suppliers in Vietnam Follow our guide to finding reliable tea suppliers in Vietnam, a major contributor to the global tea industry.

Chapter 7: Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Tea from Vietnam Navigate through the comprehensive process of importing tea from Vietnam with our detailed guide on customs procedures.

Chapter 8: Comprehensive Guide to Taxes for Tea Export from Vietnam Understand the comprehensive guide on exporting dried tea from Vietnam, including customs procedures and export taxes for success.

Chapter 9: Top Types Of Tea Exported Abroad Vietnam Tea Export Explore the variety of teas exported from Vietnam, including green, black, oolong, and specialty blends, to markets worldwide.

Chapter 10: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Tea Exports Explore Vietnam’s tea industry, its challenges, opportunities, and the role of key players in 2024.

This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of the Vietnamese tea market, from suppliers to exporters, and from import processes to future forecasts. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Vietnamese tea industry.

In conclusion, the Vietnam tea industry, with its Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, and Vietnam tea exporters, holds a promising future. It continues to grow and evolve, contributing significantly to the country’s economy and offering a wide range of high-quality tea products to the world.
