Top Types Of Cashew Nut Exported Abroad: Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporter

Ivory Coast, a major player in the global cashew nut market, is renowned for its high-quality cashew products. In 2023, the country continued to be a significant exporter of various cashew nuts, supplied by leading Ivory Coast cashew nut suppliers. Here’s an in-depth look at the top types of cashew nuts exported, along with key export figures and detailed descriptions.

1. Raw Cashew Nuts - The leading type for export from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters

Raw Cashew Nuts - The leading type for export from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters
Raw Cashew Nuts - The leading type for export from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters

Export Figures for 2023:

Raw cashew nuts are harvested directly from cashew trees and exported in their natural shell. These nuts are typically processed further in other countries or processing facilities. Ivory Coast cashew nut exporters are known for their consistent quality and high standards, making their raw cashew nuts a preferred choice in the global market. The unshelled nuts are packed in bulk and shipped to various international destinations, where they undergo de-shelling and additional processing.

  • Volume: Approximately 800,000 metric tons
  • Value: USD 1.6 billion

Key Market Export to:

  • India: A significant destination for raw cashew nuts where they are processed into kernels.
  • Vietnam: Another major hub for cashew processing, importing raw nuts for further refinement.
  • Brazil: Imports raw cashews for domestic processing and distribution.

2. Cashew Nut Kernels from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters

Cashew Nut Kernels from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters
Cashew Nut Kernels from Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters

Export Figures for 2023:

Cashew nut kernels are the processed, edible part of the cashew nut that has been removed from the shell. These kernels are categorized into various grades based on size, appearance, and quality. W320 kernels are large and whole, making them suitable for high-end snacks and gourmet products. W450 kernels are slightly smaller but still of high quality. SW (Small Broken) kernels are used in baking, snacks, and other food products where whole nuts are not necessary. Ivory Coast's cashew nut kernels are prized for their flavor, crunchiness, and consistent quality. Ivory Coast cashew nut export companies offer a range of kernel grades, from large W320 kernels ideal for high-end products to smaller SW kernels used in various food applications. 

  • Volume: Approximately 200,000 metric tons
  • Value: USD 1.2 billion

Key Grades:

  • W320: 50,000 metric tons
  • W450: 80,000 metric tons
  • SW (Small Broken): 70,000 metric tons

Key Market Export to:

  • United States: A major importer of high-quality cashew kernels for use in snacks and confectionery.
  • Germany: Receives a significant portion of cashew kernels for use in baking and processed foods.
  • China: Imports cashew kernels for use in various food products and snacks.

Read more >>> How to Find Cashew Nut Suppliers in Ivory Coast

3. Cashew Nut Pieces 

Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Pieces
Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Pieces

Export Figures for 2023:

Cashew nut pieces consist of broken or chopped cashew kernels. These pieces are a by-product of the processing of whole cashew nuts and are often used in cooking, baking, and as ingredients in various processed foods. The pieces are versatile and cost-effective, making them a popular choice for food manufacturers looking to add cashew flavor and texture to their products. Ivory Coast cashew nut suppliers also provide high-quality pieces that are sought after in the food industry.

  • Volume: Approximately 50,000 metric tons
  • Value: USD 200 million

Key Market Export to:

  • South Korea: Uses cashew pieces in snack foods and confectionery.
  • Japan: Imports pieces for use in both savory and sweet products.
  • Saudi Arabia: A significant market for cashew pieces in various food preparations.

4. Cashew Nut Butter - Processed by Ivory Coast Cashew Export Companies

Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Butter
Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Butter

Export Figures for 2023:

Cashew nut butter is made by grinding roasted cashew nuts into a smooth, creamy spread. This product is increasingly popular due to its rich flavor and creamy texture. It is often used as a spread on bread, in smoothies, or as an ingredient in sauces and dressings. Cashew nut butter offers a healthier alternative to other spreads and is gaining traction in the health food market. Ivory Coast Cashew nut suppliers also produce and export a significant amount of cashews.

  • Volume: Approximately 10,000 metric tons
  • Value: USD 40 million

Key Market Export to:

  • United Kingdom: A growing market for healthy food products, including nut butters.
  • Australia: Imports cashew butter for use in health foods and spreads.
  • Canada: A market with increasing demand for nut butters as a part of a healthy diet.

Read more >>> Top 10 cashew nut importing countries from Ivory Coast

5. Cashew Nut Oil - Very Few Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Exporters Supply

Export Figures for 2023:

Cashew nut oil is extracted from the nuts and is valued for its mild flavor. It is used in cooking, especially for sautéing and frying, and is also a key ingredient in some beauty and personal care products due to its moisturizing properties. The oil is less common than other nut oils but is appreciated for its unique properties and versatility. Very few Ivory Coast cashew nut suppliers supply such high-quality cashew oil.

  • Volume: Approximately 5,000 metric tons
  • Value: USD 25 million

Key Market Export to:

  • France: A significant importer for culinary and cosmetic uses.
  • United Arab Emirates: Uses cashew oil in both food and beauty products.
  • Turkey: Imports cashew oil for use in cooking and cosmetic applications. - The information center on cashew nut imports's guide provides detailed information about the cashew nut industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular cashew nut varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting cashew nuts worldwide. This article helps you understand the cashew nut market, helping you succeed in trading with cashew nut suppliers worldwide.

Chapter 1 - Ivory Coast Cashew Nut Suppliers - Comprehensive Overview Market: A comprehensive overview of the cashew nut market in Ivory Coast, including key suppliers, market trends, and factors influencing the industry.

Chapter 2 - Ivory Coast's Top 10 Cashew Nut Exporters 2023: Introduces the top 10 cashew nut exporters in Ivory Coast for the year 2023, providing information on their production capacity, main export markets, and factors contributing to their success.

Chapter 3 - Top 10 cashew nut importing countries from Ivory Coast: Lists the 10 largest cashew nut importing countries from Ivory Coast, analyzing their market demand and the factors driving their imports from Ivory Coast.

Chapter 4 - How to Find Cashew Nut Suppliers in Ivory Coast: Your Comprehensive Guide: A detailed guide on how to find cashew nut suppliers in Ivory Coast, including online platforms, trade shows, and other reliable sources.

Chapter 5 - Biggest Cashew Nut Exporters: The Top 10 Countries by Volume: A review of the top ten cashew nut exporting countries by volume, highlighting major players in the global market.

Stay tuned to for more updates and insights into the world of cashew nut exports. Whether you’re a business looking to source high-quality cashew nuts or an individual interested in the dynamics of the global cashew nut market, is your go-to resource for all things related to cashew nut suppliers, wholesalers, exporters, and export companies worldwide. We’re committed to providing you with the latest information and trends in the cashew nut industry, helping you make informed decisions. Thank you for reading!