Mango Exporter - Top 10 Supplier Countries in 2023

Top 10 Mango Exporter Countries in 2023

Few fruits evoke as much excitement and demand in the tropical fruit market as the mango. Renowned for its sweet flavor and vibrant color, the mango is often referred to as the "king of fruits." As we step into 2023, the landscape of mango exports, particularly for mango exporter, has seen significant changes, predominantly driven by increasing global demand and evolving agricultural practices. This article provides an in-depth look at the top mango-exporting countries, the factors influencing this lucrative trade, and insights into the overall mango export industry.

Mango Exporter: Top 10 Suppliers Countries in 2023
Mango Exporter - Top 10 Suppliers Countries in 2023

Introduction to Mango Exports

Mangoes are more than just a delicious fruit; they embody cultural significance, nutritional benefits, and economic importance in many regions. Understanding the dynamics of the mango export market is crucial for mango exporter to navigate this competitive landscape effectively.

The mango export business has evolved substantially over the years, adapting to shifts in consumer preferences, international trade policies, and agricultural advancements. In 2023, the total value of mango exports reached an impressive $1.51 billion globally, with Mexico leading the charge as the top mango exporter. The trade-in mangoes offers a glimpse into how agriculture intersects with global commerce and nutrition.

Global Demand for Mangoes

The global demand for mangoes has soared in recent years, fueled by their popularity in various culinary applications, from fresh consumption to beverages, desserts, and savory dishes. Mango exporter have particularly benefited from this growing trend.

Consumers are increasingly looking to find mango suppliers that offer tropical fruits that taste good and offer health benefits, making mangoes a prime choice. The rising health consciousness among consumers plays an integral role in driving demand. With the ongoing trend towards healthy eating, mangoes have gained recognition for being rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C, which boosts immunity and aids digestion.

Furthermore, the growing immigrant populations worldwide contribute to the demand for mangoes, as they seek familiar flavors reminiscent of their home countries. Coupled with the rise of e-commerce, it has become easier for consumers to find cheap mango wholesale, further propelling demand.

Health Benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are often dubbed a superfood due to their plethora of health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber, making them an excellent addition to any diet.

The high levels of vitamin C found in mangoes play a vital role in boosting the immune system, protecting against infections, and promoting skin health. Additionally, mangoes are a source of vitamin A, which is essential for vision and maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Beyond vitamins, mangoes contain polyphenolic compounds that have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of mangoes can aid digestion, thanks to their fiber content, and may even assist in preventing certain types of cancer. Given these numerous benefits, it's no wonder that health-conscious consumers are increasingly opting for this tropical delight.

Importance of the HS Code for Mangoes

Importance of the HS Code for Mangoes
Importance of the HS Code for Mangoes

The Harmonized System code is crucial for international trade, including mango exporter. It serves as a standardized classification system for traded products, facilitating smoother transactions between countries.

For mangoes, the HS code 080450 is specifically designated, allowing customs authorities and businesses to identify and categorize shipments accurately. This classification helps streamline trade regulations and ensure compliance with tariffs and import restrictions, making it easier for mango exporter to navigate the complexities of international markets.

Moreover, understanding the HS code can benefit exporters by providing insights into market trends and potential opportunities. By analyzing data related to specific HS codes, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding pricing, sourcing, and identifying new markets for expansion.

Overview of Mango Export Statistics for 2023

As we delve deeper into the statistics surrounding mango exports in 2023, it becomes evident that this sector has witnessed remarkable growth. The total volume of mango exports has significantly increased, reflecting the thriving nature of this market and the opportunities for mango exporter.

The latest figures reveal that the overall value of mango exports reached $1.51 billion. This figure indicates not only the robustness of the industry but also the various opportunities available for producers and mango exporters alike.

Total Value of Mango Exports

The total value of mango exports in 2023 stands at an impressive $1.51 billion, showcasing the high demand for this tropical fruit across international markets. This creates a lucrative opportunity for those looking to find cheap mango wholesale and enter the trade.

Mexico remains the mango exporter, accounting for approximately 38% of the total export value. This leadership can be attributed to Mexico's favorable climate for mango cultivation and well-established export infrastructure, allowing for efficient transportation and distribution to major markets such as the United States and Europe.

This impressive figure highlights the potential profitability within the mango export sector, attracting both seasoned exporters and new players eager to capitalize on global demand. As the market continues to expand, it presents ample opportunities for innovation and growth.

Global Production Volume of Mangoes

In 2023, the global production volume of mangoes saw a staggering total of 78.56 billion tons, positioning mangoes as one of the most produced fruits worldwide.

India is the top mango producer, contributing significantly to global mango supply with a production volume of 25 million tons. Other notable producers include China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Mexico, each playing a crucial role in meeting the rising demand for mangoes and creating profit for mango exporter.

This immense production capacity reflects the adaptability of mango cultivation across diverse climates and geographical regions. However, it also poses sustainability and resource management challenges, as countries strive to balance production with environmental considerations.

Market Share in the Global Export Market

In 2023, mango exports had a 4.6% share of the global export market, making the fruit a significant player in international trade and driving more people to find mango supplier.

The mango export market is characterized by a mix of established players and emerging economies, creating a dynamic landscape for competition. Mexico's position at the forefront reinforces its reputation as a leader in mango production and exports, while countries like Brazil and the Netherlands continue to enhance their market presence.

As global demand rises, the competition among exporting countries intensifies. Stakeholders in the mango industry must remain agile and responsive to market fluctuations to maintain their competitive edge and capture a larger share of the expanding market.

Factors Influencing Mango Export Growth

Several factors contribute to the growth and evolution of the mango export market. By examining these influences, we can better understand the strategies necessary for exporters to thrive in a competitive landscape.

The interplay between consumer preferences, technological advancements, and agricultural practices shapes the market's trajectory, creating opportunities and challenges for mango exporter.

Increasing International Demand For Mango Exporter

One pivotal element contributing to this surge in demand is the advent of B2B (business-to-business) platforms. These digital marketplaces have revolutionized how countries connect with suppliers. Importers from different regions can easily browse various suppliers offering mangoes at competitive prices. B2B platforms streamline the sourcing process, allowing buyers to compare products based on quality, pricing, and supplier reputation. This ease of access encourages more businesses to import mangoes, increasing overall export volumes.

Furthermore, these platforms often facilitate the importing of high-quality products at lower costs. Suppliers can showcase their offerings without needing a physical storefront or go to international exhibition fairs, reducing overhead expenses. As a result, they can provide better pricing to their customers, making it easier for importers to purchase mangoes without significantly impacting their profit margins. To find cheap mango suppliers, you can refer below the agri B2B platform:

  • is a global B2B platform specializing in agri & food, offering complete transparency and direct connections between verified suppliers and buyers. As a dedicated marketplace for agricultural products, Freshdi ensures a seamless trading process without charging any commission fees. Powered by integrated AI technology, Freshdi provides various tools to support users and optimize agri & food sector transactions. It features a comprehensive product catalogue with extensive information about the latest offerings. If you're looking for the best platform to find cheap mango exporter and connect with them, Freshdi is excellent. Provides excellent business opportunities to connect with global markets.
  • TradeWheel - Although relatively new to the B2B sector, TradeWheel has quickly built a strong reputation. This US-based online wholesale trading platform operates globally and is rapidly gaining traction.
  • is a critical player in the B2B industry and one of the most prominent online platforms for business trading. Its extensive buyer directory enhances suppliers' chances of closing deals. Businesses worldwide use Alibaba to explore new opportunities if they're in the agri-food sector and seeking wholesale suppliers. However, the fees are high.

Improved Transportation Infrastructure

Advancements in transportation infrastructure have significantly influenced the mango exporter industry. Enhanced cold chain logistics ensure that mangoes are transported quickly and efficiently while maintaining their freshness and quality.

Investment in modern shipping technologies has reduced transit times, enabling exporters to reach distant markets without compromising product integrity. This development has allowed countries with less immediate access to mango-producing regions to import high-quality mangoes year-round.

Additionally, improved road networks and port facilities facilitate the movement of large quantities of mangoes, helping exporters respond swiftly to market demands. As the infrastructure supporting the mango export business improves, so does the potential for growth across the industry.

Advanced Farming Practices

Innovations in farming practices have played a critical role in increasing mango production and improving the quality of exported fruit.  Techniques such as precision agriculture, integrated pest management, and sustainable farming methods are becoming more commonplace among mango producers. By adopting advanced farming practices, producers can maximize yields while minimizing environmental impacts, benefiting mango exporter and those looking to find cheap mango wholesale.

Furthermore, research and development in mango varieties have led to enhanced disease resistance and improved shelf life. This progress allows exporters to deliver mangoes with longer storage capabilities, ensuring better marketability and reduced waste.

Top 10 Mango Exporting Countries in 2023

The landscape of mango exporter in 2023 is diverse, with several countries emerging as key players in this vibrant market. Each country’s unique characteristics, ranging from climatic conditions to agricultural practices, contribute to its success in the mango export arena.

In this section, we will explore the top ten mango-exporting countries and highlight their contributions and performance in the global market.

Mexico: The Leading Mango Exporter

With a staggering export value of $575.36 million in 2023, Mexico solidifies its position as the largest mango exporter in the world. The country's favorable climate, combined with extensive farming expertise, allows for the cultivation of high-quality mangoes that appeal to international markets.

Mexico's mango exports have experienced a steady increase of 5.09% compared to the previous year, indicating a strong commitment to meeting global demand. Furthermore, strategic partnerships with distributors in key markets enable timely and efficient delivery of fresh mangoes, maintaining their quality during transport.

Mexican mangoes are renowned for their sweetness and rich flavor profiles, making them a popular choice in various cuisines. The country's dedication to sustainable farming practices also enhances its appeal among environmentally conscious consumers, reinforcing its status as a leader in the mango export industry.

Netherlands: A Significant Player in Mango Exports

The Netherlands has emerged as a significant player in the mango export market, ranking second with an export value of $381.72 million in 2023. This figure reflects a remarkable growth rate of 15.53% compared to the prior year.

As a central hub for fruit distribution in Europe, the Netherlands benefits from its strategic geographic location and advanced logistics systems. The country imports mangoes from producing nations such as Mexico and India before re-exporting them to European markets, effectively serving as a gateway for mangoes entering Europe.

The Dutch focus on quality assurance and food safety has positioned them as reliable mango supplier in the international market. This attention to detail ensures that consumers receive high-quality mangoes that meet their expectations.

Brazil: Rising Export Potential

Brazil has made significant strides in the mango export market, evidenced by an impressive export value of $315.69 million in 2023—a staggering increase of 52.62% from the previous year.

The country's tropical climate and fertile land provide ideal conditions for mango cultivation, allowing Brazilian growers to produce various popular mango varieties. The recent export surge showcases Brazil's potential to become a dominant player among global mango exporter.

Brazilian mangoes are gaining traction in international markets due to their exceptional taste and quality. Innovations in farming techniques and investment in export logistics are expected to propel Brazil further up the ranks of mango-exporting countries.

India: Challenges in Export Trends

While India remains the largest mango producer globally, it faces challenges in the export market. With an export value of $148.36 million in 2023, India's mango exports decreased by 38.96% compared to the previous year.

Factors contributing to this decline include logistical issues, a lack of proper marketing strategies, and increased competition from other mango exporters. Despite having a wealth of mango varieties and a domestically cultivated abundance, India struggles to meet international standards required to find mango supplier success.

However, there is still hope for India to reclaim its position as a major player in the mango export market. By investing in improved logistics, marketing efforts, and compliance with international quality standards, India can tap into its vast potential and promote its unique mango varieties to the global market.

United States: Consistent but Declining Exports

The United States ranks fifth among mango exporter, with an export value of $48.23 million in 2023. While this figure represents a slight decline of 4.63% from the previous year, the U.S. remains a stable player in the market.

American mango exports primarily cater to neighboring countries in North America, particularly Canada and Mexico. The U.S. domestic market is also a significant contributor to mango consumption, driven by the growing popularity of tropical fruits among American consumers.

Despite facing stiff competition from other mango exporters, the U.S. benefits from its advanced agricultural techniques and technology, ensuring a steady supply of quality mangoes to meet local demand. Continued investment in research and development could help bolster the U.S. mango export market in the coming years.

Germany: Growth in Export Figures

Germany has demonstrated remarkable growth in its mango export figures, reaching an export value of $40.24 million in 2023—a change of 10.60% from the previous year.

As one of Europe's largest consumers of tropical fruits, Germany's growing appetite for mangoes presents numerous opportunities to find mango supplier options. The country's focus on quality and sustainability aligns with consumers' preferences, allowing German importers to establish strong relationships with mango exporter.

Continued collaboration between German retailers and mango-producing countries can create a win-win situation, enhancing the availability of quality mangoes and fostering international trade relations.

Burkina Faso: Recent Declines

Burkina Faso's mango export value was recorded at $27.63 million in 2023, marking a decline of 21.94%. The country has historically been known for its high-quality mangoes, especially during the peak harvesting season.

However, challenges such as inconsistent production levels, limited access to international markets, and infrastructural constraints have contributed to this downturn. To reverse this trend, Burkina Faso must focus on improving agricultural practices, enhancing transportation logistics, and establishing stronger connections to find mango supplier networks globally.

By addressing these challenges, Burkina Faso can restore its reputation as a credible supplier of mangoes and regain lost ground in the mango export market.

Portugal: Strengthening Export Numbers

Portugal has demonstrated resilience in the mango export market, with an export value of $27.22 million in 2023—an increase of 26.60% from the previous year.

Portuguese mangoes are primarily grown in the Algarve region, where the warm climate supports optimal cultivation conditions. The country's proximity to major European markets fosters accessibility, enabling swift delivery of fresh mangoes to find cheap mango wholesale buyers and retailers.

Sustainable farming practices and a commitment to quality have positioned Portugal favorably in the European market. Continued investments in marketing and consumer education can further enhance Portugal's visibility as a reputable mango exporter.

South Africa: Recent Performance Overview

South Africa’s mango export value stood at $17.18 million in 2023, reflecting a decline of 11.38%. Despite its beautiful landscapes and suitable climate for mango cultivation, South Africa has faced challenges that have affected its export performance.

Limited access to international markets and competition from more established mango exporter have impacted South Africa's growth in this sector. However, with ongoing improvements in agricultural practices and marketing outreach, there is potential for the country to regain momentum in the mango export market.

United Kingdom: Notable Growth in Exports

The United Kingdom has seen significant growth in its mango export numbers, reaching an export value of $12.82 million in 2023—an increase of 48.20%.

This growth can be attributed to the increasing popularity of tropical fruits among British consumers, alongside strong demand for ethically sourced and sustainably produced products.

UK-based retailers have actively promoted mangoes, incorporating them into health-focused campaigns and featuring them prominently in stores. This approach has successfully captured consumer interest and expanded the market to find cheap mango wholesale buyers and consumers alike.

Top 10 Mango-Producing Countries in 2023

While examining the top mango exporter is important, understanding the leading mango-producing nations provides additional context for the dynamics of the export market.

Each producer brings unique strengths to the table, shaping the trade landscape and responding to global demand.

India's Dominance in Mango Production

India reigns supreme as the largest mango producer in the world, boasting a staggering production volume of 25 million tons in 2023.

The country is home to a diverse range of mango varieties, each with its distinct flavor and texture. Indian mangoes, particularly the Alphonso variety, are highly sought after in both domestic and international markets, known for their exceptional sweetness and aroma.

Despite its dominance in production, India's mango exporter have encountered challenges in recent years. Attention to quality control, logistics, and marketing strategies will be crucial for India to leverage its production capacity and reclaim its position in the global mango exporters market.

China and Its Growing Production Capacity

China has emerged as a significant player in mango production, contributing approximately 3.8 million tons to the global supply in 2023.

Chinese consumers exhibit a growing appetite for tropical fruits, including mangoes, presenting an opportunity for local producers to expand their cultivation efforts. Investment in modern farming techniques has enhanced yield and quality, positioning China favorably in both domestic markets and among mango exporter.

As China's production capacity continues to grow, it opens avenues for increased exports and collaborations with importing countries looking to find mango suppliers.

Indonesia's Contribution to Global Supply

Indonesia ranks as another key player in the mango production landscape, with a production volume of 3.6 million tons in 2023.

The country's tropical climate provides ideal conditions for cultivating a variety of mangoes, and there is increasing recognition of Indonesian mangoes in regional markets.

Efforts to improve post-harvest handling and export logistics can further enhance Indonesia's competitiveness in the global mango market, allowing producers to capture a larger share of exports and cater to businesses that want to find cheap mango wholesale.

Other Key Producers and Their Volumes

In addition to India, China, and Indonesia, several other countries contribute significantly to global mango production.

Pakistan, with a production volume of 2.7 million tons, showcases its potential with a variety of locally cultivated mangoes that are celebrated for their taste. Meanwhile, Brazil, Malawi, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Vietnam each add to the diversity and volume of mango supplies available for both domestic consumption and export, attracting businesses aiming to find mango supplier.

As global demand for mangoes expands, these producing countries will play an essential role in meeting consumer needs and sustaining the mango exporters industry.

Key Mango Varieties in Global Trade

With multiple mango varieties available in the market, each possesses unique attributes that cater to different consumer preferences and culinary applications. Recognizing the most popular varieties can guide mango exporter in aligning their offerings with market demands.

Alphonso: The King of Mangoes

Often hailed as the "king of mangoes," the Alphonso variety is celebrated for its distinctive flavor, smooth texture, and aromatic fragrance. Grown predominantly in India, Alphonso mangoes command premium prices in international markets and garner attention from discerning consumers.

Exporters focusing on this premium variety stand to benefit significantly from the growing demand for high-quality mangoes, making it an excellent option for businesses looking to find mango supplier of premium mangoes.

Kent and Its Export Favorability

Kent mangoes are another popular variety, known for their juicy flesh and minimal fibers. These mangoes are widely cultivated in various countries, including Mexico and Peru, making them accessible to a broader audience.

Kent mangoes perform exceptionally well in international markets due to their shelf stability and appealing taste profile. Mango exporter who prioritize Kent mangoes can leverage these attributes to meet consumer demand while ensuring product availability.

Unique Characteristics of Other Popular Varieties

Other notable mango varieties that contribute to global trade include Haden, Kesar, Ataulfo, and Banganapalle, each offering unique flavor profiles and textural attributes.

The diversity of mango varieties available allows exporters to cater to varied tastes and preferences, broadening their market reach and enhancing competitiveness.

Finding Potential Mango Supplier Online

Navigating the mango export landscape requires access to reliable suppliers who can deliver consistent quality. In today's digital age, online B2B platforms facilitate the search for trusted mango suppliers, streamlining the sourcing process for businesses that want to find cheap mango wholesale or find mango suppliers.

Leverage Online Platforms for Sourcing

Utilizing online platforms can significantly simplify the task of finding potential mango suppliers. Websites like Freshdi provide a comprehensive database of suppliers, allowing businesses to connect with reputable sellers quickly.

By using these platforms, buyers can access detailed supplier profiles, including product offerings and certifications, ensuring informed decision-making throughout the sourcing process to find mango supplier.

Conclusion on the Future of Mango Exports

The mango export industry in 2023 reflects a complex interplay of growth opportunities and challenges. As global demand for mangoes continues to rise, the need for adept mango exporter to navigate this competitive landscape becomes paramount

Countries such as Mexico lead the way in export figures, while India, despite its production prowess, must address its export challenges. The increasing consumer preference for quality, sustainability, and diverse mango varieties will shape the future of the market.

To capitalize on the promising prospects in the mango export sector, stakeholders should embrace innovation, invest in technology, and strengthen supply chains. With the right strategies in place, the mango industry is poised for sustained growth, enriching the agricultural economies of producing countries while satisfying consumers’ cravings for this beloved fruit.

Mango products and exporters you may be interested in

List of mango products the exporter offers on Freshdi

Freshdi - The information center on fruit imports's guide provides detailed information about the fruit industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular fruit varieties to price trends, finding exporter, and necessary considerations when exporting fruits worldwide. This article helps you understand the fruit market and succeed in trading with fruit suppliers worldwide.

On the left side, you'll find a list of mango products the exporter offers on Freshdi:

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