Largest Importers of Indian Cashew Nuts: Top 10 Countries

India is one of the world’s leading cashew nut exporters, with India Cashew Nut suppliers shipping to over 60 nations across the globe. The country is known for its vast network of India Cashew Nut Wholesalers and India Cashew Nut exporters, which cater to the global demand for high-quality cashews. 

In 2023, the export figures reaffirmed India's position as a dominant player in the global cashew trade. Below, we provide an updated list of the top 10 cashew nut importing countries from India, along with relevant statistics from 2023.

1. United States - Largest importer of India Cashew Nut suppliers

The United States continues to be the largest importer of Indian cashew nuts, driven by strong consumer demand for healthy snacks. The U.S. market remains pivotal, accounting for nearly a third of India’s total cashew exports. The US is a significant importer of Indian cashews, with imports valued at US$ 36.5 million in 2021-22. For companies that seek cost-effective cashew nut suppliers in India, the US remains a major destination.

  • Import Volume: 85,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $690 million USD
  • Market Share: 28%

2. United Arab Emirates - Major market for India Cashew Nut exporters

The UAE maintains its position as a major importer, with significant imports used for re-export to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The UAE stands as the largest importer of Indian cashews. During the 2021-22 fiscal year, cashew exports to the UAE were valued at US$ 131.5 million, representing 29% of India’s total cashew exports. This success is attributed to the efforts of India Cashew Nut exporters who have established strong trade relations in the Middle East. In terms of volume, India exported 16.6 million kg of cashews to the UAE, up 29% from 12.8 million kg in the previous year.

  • Import Volume: 40,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $320 million USD
  • Market Share: 13%

3. Netherlands - Key European destination for India Cashew Nut suppliers

As a key entry point for Indian cashews into the European Union, the Netherlands has solidified its role, contributing significantly to the distribution of Indian cashews across Europe. The Netherlands ranks among the top three importers of Indian cashews, contributing to 9% of the total export value. Indian cashew exports to the Netherlands were valued at US$ 41.1 million during 2021-22. European markets look for wholesale cashew nut suppliers in India to secure high-quality products at competitive prices.

  • Import Volume: 30,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $240 million USD
  • Market Share: 10%

4. Japan - Significant importer of India Cashew Nut exporters

Japan’s demand for premium-quality cashew nuts from India remains strong, with a steady import volume reflecting the country's preference for high-quality food products. Japan is a crucial market for India Cashew Nut suppliers, accounting for 13% of India’s total cashew exports. The value of cashew kernel and cashew nut shell liquid exports to Japan reached US$ 58.1 million. 

  • Import Volume: 28,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $225 million USD
  • Market Share: 9%

5. Germany - Top European market for India Cashew Nut suppliers

Germany’s focus on health and wellness has boosted the demand for Indian cashew nuts, particularly in organic and natural food markets.

  • Import Volume: 25,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $200 million USD
  • Market Share: 8%

6. Saudi Arabia - Major buyer of India Cashew Nut exporters

Cashew consumption in Saudi Arabia is driven by both cultural practices and increasing health awareness, making it a consistent importer of Indian cashew nuts. Saudi Arabia is also a key destination, with cashew exports valued at US$ 30.2 million, representing a significant market in the Middle East.

  • Import Volume: 22,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $180 million USD
  • Market Share: 7%

7. Vietnam - Growing demand from India Cashew Nut suppliers

Vietnam continues to import Indian cashew nuts primarily for processing and re-export, leveraging India's high-quality raw nuts for its extensive processing industry. Vietnam, a significant player in the global cashew market, has steadily increased its imports of Indian cashews. From 2016-17 to 2021-22, Vietnam’s imports grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7%. Vietnam’s demand for Indian cashews is driven by its extensive processing industry, which supplies both domestic and international markets. Businesses in Vietnam often find the best price cashew nuts wholesalers in India to support their processing operations.

  • Import Volume: 20,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $160 million USD
  • Market Share: 7%

8. United Kingdom - Important market for India Cashew Nut exporters

The UK’s demand for Indian cashews is fueled by the growing popularity of plant-based diets and the increasing preference for nutritious snacks.

  • Import Volume: 18,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $145 million USD
  • Market Share: 6%

9. Canada - Strong demand for India Cashew Nut suppliers

Canada has seen a rise in cashew imports from India, driven by health trends and the growing demand for plant-based protein sources.

  • Import Volume: 15,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $120 million USD
  • Market Share: 5%

10. France - Key importer of India Cashew Nut exporters

France remains a significant market for Indian cashew nuts, with imports supporting both retail consumption and the food processing industry.

  • Import Volume: 12,000 metric tons
  • Import Value: $95 million USD
  • Market Share: 4%

Variety of India Cashew Nut Products:

India exports a wide variety of cashew nut products, catering to diverse consumer preferences worldwide. Some of the major cashew products exported by Indian cashew nut suppliers include:

  • Cashew kernels: This is the primary export product, comprising various grades of cashew kernels such as W180, W240, W320, SW320, LP, SP, etc. Cashew kernels are graded based on their size, color, and shape.
  • Roasted cashews: Roasted cashews, either salted or unsalted, are a popular snack that is widely exported.
  • Flavored cashews: Cashews are flavored with a variety of seasonings such as chili, honey, wasabi, and many others to offer diverse tastes.
  • Cashew nut butter: Made from ground cashews, cashew butter is an increasingly popular product, often used as a spread, dip, or ingredient in vegan recipes.
  • Cashew nut oil: Cashew nut oil has a mild flavor, high smoke point, and is used in cooking and some industrial applications.
  • Cashew nut milk: A dairy-free milk alternative made from cashews and water, cashew milk is a popular choice for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, or those seeking a cow's milk alternative.

In addition, India also exports several other cashew-based products:

  • Cashew nut shells: Cashew nut shells are utilized in various industries, including the production of resins, paints, and lubricants.
  • Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL): A byproduct of cashew processing, CNSL has numerous industrial applications such as in the manufacturing of paints, varnishes, and waterproofing materials.

Indian cashew products are exported worldwide and are highly regarded for their quality and taste. The cashew industry contributes significantly to the Indian economy, generating employment and income for millions of people.

These products represent only a fraction of the extensive range of cashew goods shipped from India. The India Cashew Nut export companies continue to innovate, introducing new products and adapting to market trends to satisfy consumers globally. For businesses looking to find cheap cashew nut suppliers in India or seek cheap cashew nut suppliers in India, the market offers a variety of options that ensure quality and affordability. - The information center on cashew nut imports's guide provides detailed information about the cashew nut industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular cashew nut varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting cashew nuts worldwide. This article helps you understand the cashew nut market, helping you succeed in trading with cashew nut suppliers worldwide.

Explore the Indian cashew market: From major suppliers to market trends and key factors shaping the industry.

Chapter 1 - India Cashew Nut Suppliers - Comprehensive Overview Market: Explore the Indian cashew market: From major suppliers to market trends and key factors shaping the industry.

Chapter 2 - India's Top 10 Cashew Nut Exporters 2023: Explore the top 10 cashew exporters in India for 2023, learn about their operations, key markets, and the secrets to their success.

Chapter 3 - How to Find Cashew Nut Suppliers in India Coast: Your Comprehensive Guide: A detailed guide to help you find reliable cashew suppliers in India, from online platforms to trade shows and other trustworthy sources.

Chapter 4 - Top Types Of Cashew Nut Exported Abroad: India Cashew Nut Exporter: Learn about the main types of cashews exported from India, including their characteristics, quality standards, and key export markets.

Chapter 5 - Biggest Cashew Nut Exporters: The Top 10 Countries by Volume: A review of the top ten cashew nut exporting countries by volume, highlighting major players in the global market.

Stay tuned to for more updates and insights into the world of cashew nut exports. Whether you’re a business looking to source high-quality cashew nuts or an individual interested in the dynamics of the global cashew nut market, is your go-to resource for all things related to cashew nut suppliers, wholesalers, exporters, and export companies worldwide. We’re committed to providing you with the latest information and trends in the cashew nut industry, helping you make informed decisions. Thank you for reading!