Freshdi offers several solutions to help Global Buyers ensure product quality and transparency in every transaction:

Freshdi offers several solutions to help Global Buyers ensure product quality and transparency in every transaction:

  • Product Search: Global Buyers can easily search for products on Freshdi's platform. Freshdi provides detailed product information, helping buyers understand the quality of the products.
  • Send Inquiry and Post RFQs (Request for Quotation): Global Buyers can send information requests (Inquiry) directly in the supplier's post or post requests for quotation (RFQs) to receive quotations from Suppliers.
  • Supply Source Assistant: Freshdi provides supply source consulting services, helping buyers connect with suitable Suppliers.
  • Verified Supplier: Freshdi helps Global Buyers verify supplier information, including company overview videos and business information reports.
  • Use Smart Trace Technology: Freshdi uses Smart Trace technology to update production and authenticate product origin. This helps buyers track the origin, quality, and safety of the products.
  • Supplier Meeting Support: Freshdi provides platforms for buyers to meet Verified Suppliers online, as well as organize business trips and factory visits.

With these solutions, Freshdi helps Global Buyers ensure product quality and transparency in every transaction. Join the Freshdi platform now to experience these great services!

Freshdi - Global Agri B2B Marketplace

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