Freshdi - What Field Does It Operate In?

Freshdi - What Field Does It Operate In?

Freshdi develops a technology platform to connect supply and demand with products in the agriculture and food industry.

Freshdi's Solution for Agriculture and Food Industry

Freshdi provides a Global Agri B2B Marketplace, connecting verified Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Wholesalers from Vietnam with Global Buyers in the agriculture and food industry. By reducing intermediary steps, Freshdi enhances efficiency and transparency in the export process of agricultural and food products.

Technology in Agriculture and Food

Freshdi applies Smart Trace technology to the agriculture and food industry to verify quality, provide in-depth tracking of origin, and enhance transparency in the production and distribution process.

Buyers can:

  • Choose from a reliable category of verified products
  • Verify origin and ownership through identification codes.
  • Easily access through interactive QR codes

Freshdi - Global Agri B2B Marketplace

Who is Freshdi?

Why work with Freshdi?

What are the benefits of joining Freshdi?

What services does Freshdi provide to whom?