Comprehensive Overview of India Cashew Nut Suppliers

Overview of the Market and India Cashew Nut Suppliers

India is a dominant player in the global cashew nut market, contributing significantly to both production and export. In the fiscal year 2023-2024, India exported approximately 340,000 metric tons of cashew nuts, with a total export value of around $3.5 billion. This robust export figure underscores the country’s position as a major supplier in the international market.

The key states involved in cashew nut production include Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. These regions are responsible for producing the majority of India's cashew nuts, thanks to their ideal climatic conditions. The Indian cashew industry encompasses a range of players, from large-scale processors and India Cashew Nut exporters to small producers, all contributing to a diverse supply network.

India Cashew Nut Prices from Exporters

Cashew nut prices in India are influenced by a variety of factors including global demand, supply levels, and seasonal variations. As of mid-2024, the average price for raw cashew nuts (RCN) ranges from $800 to $1,200 per metric ton, while processed cashew kernels typically range from $3,000 to $6,000 per metric ton, depending on the grade.

If you're looking to find cheap India cashew nut suppliers, it's crucial to compare prices from various suppliers and consider factors like quality, certifications, and minimum order quantities. Negotiating with suppliers and exploring long-term contracts can also help in securing competitive prices.

Cashew Nut Harvest Time in India

Cashew Nut Harvest Time in India - India Cashew nut Suppliers
Cashew Nut Harvest Time in India

The cashew harvest season in India typically spans from March to June, with peak harvesting occurring in April and May. During this period, farmers collect the nuts, which are then processed for export. Understanding the harvest cycle is crucial for importers, as it directly impacts availability and pricing. Buyers should plan their purchases to align with the harvest schedule to secure the best quality and pricing from India cashew nut suppliers

India's cashew production in 2021 was 750,000 metric tons, with a yield of 1.2 metric tons per hectare. The major cashew-producing states are Kerala, Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka, which account for over 90% of the country's total production.

Ensuring Quality and Safety: Certifications to Look For From India Cashew Nut Suppliers

Quality and safety are paramount when importing cashew nuts. Reputable India cashew nut exporters adhere to stringent quality control measures and hold certifications such as:

  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points): This certification ensures that the cashew processing facilities adhere to international food safety standards.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) - India Cashew Nut Suppliers
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
  • BRC (British Retail Consortium): This certification guarantees product safety, quality, and legality.
BRC (British Retail Consortium) - India Cashew Nut Suppliers
BRC (British Retail Consortium)
  • ISO 22000: This certification demonstrates a commitment to food safety management systems.
  • Organic Certifications: If sourcing organic cashews, look for certifications from recognized bodies.

These certifications provide assurance that the cashews are safe for consumption and have been processed and handled hygienically.

How to Find Trustworthy India Cashew Nut Exporters

Finding reliable India cashew nut exporters involves thorough research and due diligence. Here are some tips to consider:

Online Directories and Trade Platforms

Utilize specialized online directories and trade platforms that connect buyers with Indian cashew nut exporters. Some reputable platforms include:

  • India Trade Portal: The official government portal for Indian trade and commerce, providing access to a vast database of exporters and their products.
  • Alibaba: A global B2B platform where you can find a wide range of Indian cashew nut exporters and their offerings.
  • Global Sources: Another popular B2B platform featuring Indian suppliers across various industries, including cashew nuts.
  • TradeIndia: A comprehensive B2B marketplace for Indian products and services, including cashew nut exporters.
  • is a dedicated B2B marketplace tailored specifically for the agricultural and food sectors. At, users can explore comprehensive supplier profiles catering to buyers seeking expertise in fresh and processed food products, including cashew nuts. The platform enhances the procurement experience by integrating advanced AI tools, streamlining user-finding suppliers process, saving costs and no transaction fee.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

India Cashew Nut Trade Shows and Exhibitions
India Cashew Nut Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Attend industry-specific trade shows and exhibitions in India or internationally, where you can meet potential suppliers face-to-face, assess their products, and establish direct contact. Some notable events include:

  • The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) Exhibitions: CEPCI regularly organizes exhibitions and trade shows to promote Indian cashew nuts globally. The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) is the official body representing India Cashew Nut exporters, providing comprehensive information and assistance to potential buyers. CEPCI offers a wealth of resources, including a directory of certified India Cashew Nut suppliers, insights into market trends, and guidance on import regulations. As an organization committed to promoting India Cashew Nut globally, CEPCI also plays a pivotal role in maintaining the quality standards of cashew exports through regular inspections and certifications. By engaging with CEPCI, buyers can gain access to trusted India Cashew Nut exporters who adhere to stringent export requirements, ensuring that the cashews they receive are of the highest quality. Moreover, CEPCI’s support extends beyond just finding suppliers; they can also assist with resolving disputes, providing market intelligence, and offering advice on navigating the complexities of international trade with India. Utilizing CEPCI’s services can greatly enhance your sourcing strategy, giving you peace of mind and a competitive edge in the global market.
  • India International Trade Fair (IITF): A large-scale multi-sector trade fair held annually in New Delhi, showcasing a variety of Indian products, including cashew nuts.
  • Food Ingredients India: A specialized trade show for food ingredients, including nuts and dried fruits, where you can find Indian cashew nut suppliers.

Referrals and Recommendations

Leverage your network and seek recommendations from industry contacts, colleagues, or other businesses who have experience importing cashews from India. Their insights can be invaluable in identifying trustworthy exporters.

Supplier Verification and Due Diligence

Once you have shortlisted potential suppliers, conduct thorough due diligence:

  • Verify Certifications: Ensure the exporter holds relevant certifications like HACCP, BRC, ISO 22000, or organic certifications.
  • Check Company Background: Research the exporter's history, reputation, and financial stability. Look for online reviews and testimonials from other buyers.
  • Request Product Samples: Ask for samples to assess the quality and consistency of the cashews.
  • Negotiate Terms and Conditions: Clearly define payment terms, delivery schedules, and quality standards in a written contract.

Third-Party Inspection Services

Consider using third-party inspection services to verify the quality and quantity of the cashew shipment before finalizing the transaction.

By following these comprehensive steps and utilizing these resources, you can significantly increase your chances of finding trustworthy India cashew nut exporters and establishing successful long-term business relationships.

Remember: Patience, thoroughness, and building strong relationships with reliable suppliers are crucial for successful cashew nut imports from India. - The information center on cashew nut imports's guide provides detailed information about the cashew nut industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular cashew nut varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting cashew nuts worldwide. This article helps you understand the cashew nut market, helping you succeed in trading with cashew nut suppliers worldwide.

Explore the Indian cashew market: From major suppliers to market trends and key factors shaping the industry.

Chapter 1 - India Cashew Nut Suppliers - Comprehensive Overview Market: Explore the Indian cashew market: From major suppliers to market trends and key factors shaping the industry.

Chapter 2 - India's Top 10 Cashew Nut Exporters 2023: Meet the top 10 cashew exporters in India for 2023, learn about their operations, key markets, and the secrets to their success.

Chapter 3 - Top 10 cashew nut importing countries from India: Discover the 10 countries importing the most cashews from India, analyze their market demand, and understand what attracts them to Indian cashews.

Chapter 4 - How to Find Cashew Nut Suppliers in India Coast: Your Comprehensive Guide: A detailed guide to help you find reliable cashew suppliers in India, from online platforms to trade shows and other trustworthy sources.

Chapter 5 - Top Types Of Cashew Nut Exported Abroad: India Cashew Nut Exporter: Learn about the main types of cashews exported from India, including their characteristics, quality standards, and key export markets.

Chapter 5 - Biggest Cashew Nut Exporters: The Top 10 Countries by Volume: A review of the top ten cashew nut exporting countries by volume, highlighting major players in the global market.

Stay tuned to for more updates and insights into the world of cashew nut exports. Whether you’re a business looking to source high-quality cashew nuts or an individual interested in the dynamics of the global cashew nut market, is your go-to resource for all things related to cashew nut suppliers, wholesalers, exporters, and export companies worldwide. We’re committed to providing you with the latest information and trends in the cashew nut industry, helping you make informed decisions. Thank you for reading!