Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Tea from Vietnam

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the export of tea from Vietnam. This guide is designed to provide you with all the necessary information you need to navigate the complex process of exporting tea from Vietnam. Whether you’re a seasoned exporter or just starting out, this guide will be an invaluable resource.

Conditions for Importing Tea from Vietnam

Importing tea from Vietnam involves several conditions to ensure the safety and quality of the product. Here are the key requirements:

  • Announcement of Regulation Conformity: Before importing, the importer must register an announcement of regulation conformity at a competent state agency. This is a declaration that the imported tea from Vietnam tea suppliers complies with all relevant regulations.
  • Notice of Results Certifying that Food Meets Import Requirements: For each shipment, the inspection agency must issue a “Notice of results certifying that food meets import requirements”. This notice confirms that the imported tea from Vietnam tea wholesalers has been inspected and meets all the necessary food safety requirements.
  • Certificate of Free Sale or Health Certificate: Imported tea must have a certificate of free sale or a health certificate. These certificates attest that the tea sourced from Vietnam tea exporters is safe for consumption and sale.
  • Adherence to International Agreements or Treaties: In case Vietnam has no corresponding technical regulations, international agreements or treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party shall apply. This ensures that the imported tea from Vietnam tea export companies meets internationally recognized standards and regulations.
  • Compliance with Technical Regulations: The imported tea must satisfy corresponding technical regulations and comply with regulations on limits of pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, heavy metals, pollutant agents, and more. These regulations are in place to protect consumers and maintain the high quality of Vietnamese tea.
Conditions for Importing Tea from Vietnam

Self-Publishing Tea Products from Vietnam

The process of self-publishing tea products is initiated before the goods arrive. It involves the following steps:

  1. Sample Submission: The first step is to submit a product sample, which includes both the tea and packaging. This sample is used for the product self-declaration and is typically provided by Vietnam tea suppliers.
  2. Testing: The tea samples are then sent to licensed units for testing. This ensures that the tea, sourced from Vietnam tea wholesalers, meets all necessary standards and regulations.
  3. Submission of Self-declaration Dossier: After receiving the test results, a self-declaration dossier is submitted to the competent authority. This dossier includes various documents and is typically handled by Vietnam tea exporters.
  4. Product Announcement Process: The process of announcing tea products is as follows:
  • Step 1: Enterprises prepare full product announcement documents according to the law provisions and submit them to the Department of receiving and returning results – Food Safety Management Board.
  • Step 2: The department receives and returns the results – the Food Safety Management Board receives the documents. If the dossier is complete and valid as prescribed, the application receipt will be received and printed. If the dossier is incomplete or not valid, the organization or individual is guided to supplement and complete the dossier.
  • Step 3: Within 07 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of the complete application for registration of the product announcement, The Food Safety Management Board is responsible for verifying the records and posting them on the website.
  • Step 4: Enterprises log in to the website and check their publication records.
Self-Publishing Tea Products from Vietnam

>> Read more: Comprehensive Guide to Taxes for Tea Export from Vietnam

Applying for a Tea Import License from Vietnam

To apply for a tea import license from Vietnam, the following documents need to be filled out, scanned, and submitted:

  • Business Registration License: This should specify the business of importing and trading tea, ideally sourced from Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Certificate of Free Sale: This attests that the tea, potentially acquired from Vietnam tea wholesalers, is safe for sale.
  • Notarized Copy of CA: This is a notarized copy of the Certificate of Analysis, which should be provided by the Vietnam tea exporters.
  • Product Standard Announcement: This announces the standards the tea adheres to. It’s important to ensure that these standards are met by the Vietnam tea export companies.
  • Label: This includes important product information. It should clearly state that the tea is imported from Vietnam.
  • Application for Import License: This is the actual application for the import license. It’s crucial to mention that the tea is sourced from Vietnam.
  • Plant Quarantine Declaration: This needs to be declared on one-stop and submitted for moderation. It’s a necessary step when importing plant-based products like tea.
Applying for a Tea Import License from Vietnam

Plant Quarantine of Imported Tea from Vietnam

  • Registration: Submit a dossier for registration of imported plant quarantine, which includes a plant quarantine registration certificate and a photocopy or original copy of the Certificate of plant quarantine issued by the competent plant quarantine agency of the exporting country. This process involves close coordination with Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Dossier Check: The plant quarantine agency will immediately receive and check the dossier’s validity. If the dossier is invalid, the owner will be requested to supplement and complete the dossier. This step ensures that the tea sourced from Vietnam tea wholesalers meets all necessary standards.
  • Inspection Notification: Once the goods have been fully gathered at the port, the consignment owner’s border gate will notify the time and place for the quarantine specialist to inspect the shipment directly. This is a crucial step when dealing with Vietnam tea exporters.
  • Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance: The plant quarantine agency will issue a phytosanitary certificate for import, transit, and inland transportation within 24 hours from the start of quarantine for the batch of objects that are not infected with the phytosanitary objects or Vietnamese-controlled objects or strange, harmful organisms. This certificate is typically provided by the Vietnam tea export companies.
Plant Quarantine of Imported Tea from Vietnam

Essential Documents for Customs Declaration When Exporting Dried Tea

To carry out the export procedures, businesses need to complete various documents, including:

  • Commercial Invoice: An important document recording information about the value of goods, quantity, unit price, and payment terms. The commercial invoice is often required by banks, customs, and serves as the basis for confirming the transaction between the exporter and the importer. This invoice should clearly state that the tea is sourced from Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Packing List: Describes in detail the packaging of goods, including the number of packages, weight, dimensions, and information about the items in each package. The packing list supports the inspection and unloading process at ports and provides important information for the recipient. This list should mention that the tea is packed by Vietnam tea wholesalers.
  • Phytosanitary Certificate: Issued by the plant quarantine agency, this certificate confirms that the goods have been inspected and meet the requirements for plant quarantine. For the export of agricultural products, the phytosanitary certificate is usually mandatory to ensure that the product does not carry diseases or pests that could harm crops. This certificate should be provided by the Vietnam tea exporters.

The careful preparation and preservation of these documents are important to ensure the export process goes smoothly and complies with relevant legal regulations. This process involves close coordination with Vietnam tea export companies.

Procedure for Exporting Dried Tea from Vietnam

The process of exporting tea requires strict and unified execution of procedural steps. Here’s an overview of this process:

  • Step 1: Unification and Signing of Commercial Contract In the contract, detailed information such as the addresses of the buyer and seller, details about the goods such as quantity, quality, packaging specifications, storage conditions, price, transportation method, payment terms, and delivery time need to be clear. For business security, requesting advance payment or using a LC bank guarantee is a smart strategy to minimize risk. This contract should involve Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Step 2: Preparation of Export Goods The seller must ensure the goods are prepared accurately in terms of quantity, quality, and packaging specifications. For agricultural products like tea, timely delivery and appropriate temperature storage are important. Especially, ensuring the content of the export country’s language label according to regulations cannot be ignored. This preparation should be done in coordination with Vietnam tea wholesalers.
  • Step 3: Preparation of Export Documents Basic export documents include Contract, Invoice, Packing List, and Purchase List or Purchase Invoice. Although some documents may not be mandatory, they still need to be prepared to avoid future issues. Consistency between documents and their content is very important to avoid difficulties and unexpected costs. These documents should be prepared with the help of Vietnam tea exporters.
  • Step 4: Execution of Plant Quarantine Procedure Plant quarantine plays an important role in determining the quality of export goods. Preparing goods with assured quality is important for smooth quarantine. If possible, businesses should strive for quick quarantine, especially when transporting by air. This step should involve Vietnam tea export companies.
  • Step 5: Customs Declaration Clearance All goods, both imports and exports, must go through the process of making a customs declaration. Businesses need to carefully check the information in the declaration to avoid future issues, especially with agricultural goods that are often automatically cleared.
  • Step 6: Procedure for Issuing Certificate of Origin C/O To apply for a certificate of origin, the seller needs to prepare documents such as export declaration, invoice, goods transport bill, purchase list or purchase invoice. This process brings tax benefits to the importer when importing, helps increase competitiveness and supports the seller in increasing sales volume. We advise proposing a certificate of origin for each export batch.
Procedure for Exporting Dried Tea from Vietnam

>> Read more: Certified Vietnam Tea Exporters List accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade - October 2024

Important Considerations for Exporting Dried Tea from Vietnam

When exporting dried tea, there are several key considerations for businesses to ensure the process is smooth and efficient:

  • Prepare Export Documents: The export dossier needs to be meticulously prepared and complete. This includes documents such as the commercial invoice, packing list, plant quarantine certificate, and certificate of origin. A comprehensive dossier helps ensure smooth customs clearance. This process should involve Vietnam tea suppliers.
  • Plant Quarantine and Quality: Ensure that the dried tea meets the plant quarantine standards and quality of the importing country. The quality of the product is a decisive factor for success in the international market. This quality assurance should be provided by Vietnam tea wholesalers.
  • Proper and Secure Packaging: Package the product securely and in accordance with the requirements of the target market. Ensuring the safety and quality of the product throughout the transportation process is important to maintain the value and reputation of the product. This packaging should be done by Vietnam tea exporters.
  • Identify the Correct HS Code: Identify the correct HS Code (Harmonized System Code) for dried tea. This helps ensure accurate customs declaration and avoid legal issues. This identification should be done in coordination with Vietnam tea export companies.
  • Perform Customs and Tax Procedures: Understand the customs regulations and export taxes of both the exporting and importing countries. This helps avoid financial risks and promotes a quick and efficient customs procedure.
Important Considerations for Exporting Dried Tea from Vietnam

>> Read more: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Tea Exports's Guide to Tea Exportation's guide provides you with all the detailed information about the Vietnamese Tea industry, covering various topics from the import market and popular tea varieties to price trends, finding exporters, and necessary considerations when exporting tea from Vietnam. This guide helps you understand the Vietnamese tea market, helping you succeed in trading with tea suppliers in Vietnam.

Chapter 1: Comprehensive Overview of Vietnam’s Tea Market Embark on a journey through Vietnam’s tea market, understanding its global position, top suppliers, exporters, and factors impacting prices.

Chapter 2: Certified Vietnam Tea Exporters List accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade - October 2022 Stay updated with the certified list of tea exporters in Vietnam, accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as of October 2024.

Chapter 3: Vietnam’s Top 10 Tea Exporters (Q1 2022) Discover the top 10 tea exporters in Vietnam for Q1 2022, leading the charge in the global tea market.

Chapter 4: Top Vietnamese Tea Suppliers: A Comprehensive Guide 2023 Explore the top Vietnamese tea suppliers, their diverse tea offerings, and the advantages of partnering with them in the tea industry.

Chapter 5: How to Import Tea from Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Process Uncover the process of importing tea from Vietnam, from finding suppliers to navigating customs procedures.

Chapter 6: How to Find Tea Suppliers in Vietnam Follow our guide to finding reliable tea suppliers in Vietnam, a major contributor to the global tea industry.

Chapter 7: Comprehensive Guide to Import Customs Procedures for Tea from Vietnam Navigate through the comprehensive process of importing tea from Vietnam with our detailed guide on customs procedures.

Chapter 8: Comprehensive Guide to Taxes for Tea Export from Vietnam Understand the comprehensive guide on exporting dried tea from Vietnam, including customs procedures and export taxes for success.

Chapter 9: Top Types Of Tea Exported Abroad Vietnam Tea Export Explore the variety of teas exported from Vietnam, including green, black, oolong, and specialty blends, to markets worldwide.

Chapter 10: Forecast for Vietnam’s 2024 Tea Exports Explore Vietnam’s tea industry, its challenges, opportunities, and the role of key players in 2024.

This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of the Vietnamese tea market, from suppliers to exporters, and from import processes to future forecasts. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Vietnamese tea industry.

This comprehensive guide has provided you with a detailed overview of the process of exporting dried tea from Vietnam. We’ve covered everything from preparing export documents, ensuring plant quarantine and quality, to understanding customs and tax procedures. We’ve highlighted the crucial roles of Vietnam tea suppliers, Vietnam tea wholesalers, Vietnam tea exporters, and Vietnam tea export companies in this process. By following this guide, businesses can navigate the complexities of the international tea market and successfully export high-quality Vietnamese tea to the global market. Remember, compliance with export procedures and laws is key to success in international business.
